Environment Minister
Anthony Ramnarine stated that the illegal trade in wildlife was third globally to drugs and arms trafficking. It was also stated that the illegal trade was given a value that exceeded US $30 billion. This is a very amazing fact and Trinidad looks like the ideal transshipment point for North American shipments.
This is not unlike the drug trade that makes use of easy access to the ports of Trinidad to get the illegal goods into the United States. This looks like there are many Trinidadians involved in the trade to make using Trinidad a viable transit point.
The Zoological Society of Trinidad and Tobago are doing their best to protect the local wildlife but the enforcement of the illegal trade in wildlife from South America has to be the responsibility of the government.
Already resources are stretched thinly in many areas. This will only be addressed when some international body points their fingers at the government thereby forcing them to take action.
We have to protect the wildlife and in so doing will be taking the initiative to protect ourselves and the future of the animals and birds for future generations to come.