Here is another eyecatching website that provides wonderful artwork made in Trinidad and Tobago. Ajoupa Pottery is manufactured at Ajoupa Pottery, 326 Chickland Road, Upper Carapichaima, Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. via, a left turn-off the highway at Freeport, or points south, takes you into the Central Range through sugar and citrus fields, then forests, with cocoa trees. There are cocoa houses with a sliding roof so that the beans can dry in the sun but go under cover when it rains. Pretty little villages with wooden houses and well-kept gardens overflow with hibiscus and bougainvillea. The roads are narrow and winding, so unless you are a map-reading wizard, you are bound to get lost. At Chickland Village near Freeport, the Ajoupa Pottery (T6730604, Mon-Fri 0800-1600, Sat 0900-1200) , with a wooden 19th-century estate house, is well worth a visit.